Watch Episode 80 of the Turkish TV series Bizi Birlestiren Hayat (The Life That Binds Us) in Full HD. Episode 80 Full HD of Bizi Birlestiren Hayat (The Life That Binds Us). Watch the full episodes of the Turkish soap opera Bizi Birlestiren Hayat (The Life That Binds Us) with Spanish subtitles for free online. TUSMUNDO.ART
The TV series Bizim Birlikte Hayat, starring Nilgün Kasapbaşoğlu and Kayra Zabcı and produced by Royal Pictures, is broadcast on Kanal D. Münevver comes from a noble family and lives in an old house with his maid Suzan. Münevver’s life is turned upside down one night by a young woman abandoned by his sister. The fiftieth episode of Hayat is released! Watch now! The series The Life That Binds Us aired on Thursday, November 14, for 50 days.